Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I had a great break and was able to reminisce with almost all of my friends.  We had a good time and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking about what we plan to do with our lives and how our education is going.  However, one of my friends was not able to come home for thanksgiving because he is Dutch and he lives back in the netherlands. 

He was a stereotypical hood rat in school.  He got bad grades, did illegal things on the weekend, however he was a talented artist and an amazing friend with more loyalty than I have ever seen.  He had a talent for art and graffiti and he took advantage of his talents.  When he went home to Holland after high school, and all of my friends and I missed him to the point of crying however we knew that he would make it in the real world because of his passion, and all of us were right.

Over break I talked with my friends about their classes but the most important conversation I had was with my college drop out best friend who has more passion and loyalty than anyone I know. 

I talked to him and he, in the past 5 months since he left, has come up with a new life plan based around his skills in art and graffiti. He decided that his passion is in fashion but not in the stereotypical fashion that is in fashion shows but rather in the styles such as stars and straps by travis barker.  He found his passion and is doing all he can do to make it work for him.

I talked to him a few days ago and he recently got a deal with Kempi, a well known rapper in the netherlands, to design his t shirts for him and his crew.  It is a great start for his fashion business and I could not be more proud of him.  

Tim from Holland (thats our nickname for him) is a hero to us all because he did not listen to stereotypical education that said that he was a D student.  He knew who he was and what he was good at and was able to turn that into a growing industry.  I can not wait for his fashion skills to blowup because I know that his passion will make his industry grow and become the next new fashion.