Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I have never been involved in politics.  Growing up I never followed along because in my eyes it was a bunch of glorified bickering.  Now that I'm able to vote I felt it necessary to get more involved and start listening to talk shows and watching CNN for the candidates speeches.  From what I am gathering my views as a child were spot on.  No candidate has said anything revolutionary, no specific goals or ideas, just basic goals like "get our nations economy under control".  I already knew that but I need to hear someone layout specific plans and ideas with some numbers or something to know that a good amount of thought went into the planning.  Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about because I have only been listening to this stuff for about a month but it seems to be pointless.  If anyone has any explanations to why political debates and speeches are useful please let me know because my view now is that every politician says what the people want to hear but when it comes time to get things done they ultimately do what they think is going to work, not what the people think is going to work.   

Monday, September 22, 2008

simple pleasures

I love hitting a ball against a wall.  It is a new passion I found here at SMU. I have become addicted to it.  I crave the simple act of a ball bouncing off a wall.  I get done with doing integration by parts in math class and all I want to do is hit a ball with a racquet.  I write a three page paper but what I think about while writing it is a ball hitting a wall.  My only explanation to why I love it so much is because it is so simple.  The concept is easy, hit the ball against the wall.  In the world I live in, with the pressure and complexity of everyday life, hitting a ball against a wall for an hour is easily one of the most enjoyable things I could do.