Monday, November 24, 2008


Tomorrow I am heading home for thanksgiving and I can not wait to be home.  However, there is one thing I am not looking forward to, the airport.  Thanksgiving time is known for packing every airport but that is not what bothers me about holiday traveling.  What bothers me is the attitude everyone seems to have while traveling.  

I try to stay positive whenever at the airport especially when the security lines are a mile long and my plane gets delayed two hours because 99.9% of the time the problem is out of my control and the people working at the security checkpoint and at the gate have nothing to do with the delays so there is no reason to get in their faces about the problems.  

What really grinds my gears are the people that find the need to chew out the employees at the airport and talk out loud about what their expert self believes the problem is and how easy it would be to fix it.  For some reason they believe that everyone else traveling wants to hear their solutions, but I for one do not.  If everyone just stood in line and maybe took some time to make small talk with everyone else in line the airport would be much more enjoyable.  

I plan on doing just that and arriving at the airport with amble time before my flight boards so I won't stress about missing my flight and I suggest, for the sake of everyone traveling, that you do the same.  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My new plan

I have been struggling ever since I got to college to figure out what exactly I want to do with my life.  I know it's early and I have the rest of college and then more years after that to figure it all out but I like to have a plan and I understand that plans change.  So over the past few months I started questioning what I thought I could do everyday for the rest of my life and this is what I came up with.

I started off by eliminating a 9-5, I know everyone says that but I honestly believe that I would kill myself if I ended up pushing papers for a major corporation, its just not for me.  That was the main reason I switched majors from business to engineering, corporations just aren't the destination I'm looking for in life.  

So I picked engineering because I was good at physics in high school and I enjoy watching shows like "Megastructures" on the discovery channel and when I read on the plane I read car magazines such as "four wheeler", an magazine dedicated to off roading vehicles.  

"Hey, maybe I'll do that, build cars for the rest of my life."  But I thought about it and the fact is that I like reading those magazines because I want those cars for myself. I would have a difficult time putting my heart and soul into a car just to turn around and sell it.  Custom car fabrication might be a hobby of mine later in life but not a job so I moved on to some different ideas.

I talked about it with my dad over fall break and he stated a very simple question that completely changed the way I looked at my future life.  He asked me "what do you enjoy the most in your life?"  I thought about it and I stated the most obvious answer I could think of, "I enjoy spending time with my family and friends."  So he said, "what's something you can do that makes you money while being with friends and family?"

I couldn't answer that question fast, so I took some time to think it over.  However, by the time fall break was drawing to a close I came up with it, I'm going to open a bar.  It's the perfect solution.  My mom can cook, my dad runs his own business already so he can help with the books, and my friends and I could run the bar ourselves.  I would have no problem waking up if all I had to do during the day was hang out with my friends while serving drinks and food all while meeting new people and hearing their stories, its sounds like a great life to me, and the best part about it is I can be my own boss which has always been my dream job.